Set yourself up as a web host with a FREE Private Label Resellers Panel account. You can resell web hosting with no money down and no monthly quotas to meet. You don't even have to worry about billing the clients yourself! It couldn't be easier to start your own web hosting business. Reseller Benefits - You run the game!
Order fulfillment and payment processing are handled by Resellers Panel. You set the retail price to reflect the profit you want to earn above wholesale. Everything else is handled by Resellers Panel. You don't pay a cent for the resold accounts - just collect your commission after the sale. Resellers Panel offers complete 24/7 support and a 30 day money-back guarantee to your clients as well! Turn-key Solution #1: Just supply your domain name and Resellers Panel will host your turn-key template site for free. Resellers Panel's completely automated system can be set up in minutes.
Turn-key Solution #2: You can also take advantage of the Resellers Panel turn-key program if you have your own web site that you wish to offer hosting through. Simply integrate the remote order and login forms right into your site for a seamless look! Resellers Panel will still handle the billing and support for your clients. Compare Resellers Panel to other reseller programs and you will see the difference. With other plans you have to pay monthly fees for your reseller account. With other plans the total file storage and bandwidth used by your clients comes right out of your own resellers account quota. With other plans you have to bill your clients yourself and worry about fraud protection. Not so with Resellers Panel!! Sign up for Resellers Panel turn-key solutions and you will get these benefits:
Click here to find out more about Reseller Hosting!
Reseller API Available - earn up to a 20% discount on wholesale prices if you wish to integrate the reseller API into your own site, and to handle your clients' billing and support. Just keep your Resellers Panel wallet topped up and charge your clients.
No cost reseller hosting plans - resell web hosting
with no money down through ResellersPanel.com
You can start your own web hosting business in minutes!
Copyright © Andrew Heard 2005-2010
*Copyright © Resellers Panel 2003-2010